Join Emma Willis, a team of primary and secondary children and a crazy professor for a 10-week virtual journey inside the brain, right from the comfort of your own home.
Perfect for children aged 8-12 Happy Confident Me TV introduces a new life skill each week through 8-minute neuroscience-packed video format episodes. Filled with fun facts, real examples and testimonials from children, kids will develop the skills they need to better help themselves in life.
Kids will love this transformational course developed together with therapists, parents, children, and schools, delivered in a TV programme format across 10 meaty, but bite-sized episodes.
Using psychology-based techniques, kids will discover the 10 key character skills (we call them powers) that will help them thrive through life with self-belief, optimism and compassion.
The positive effects of this course can be felt even more, when children work on the accompanying activities that can be downloaded with each episode.

This course can only be purchased for use in the home. For schools, professional or group usage, please contact us.
They will learn the art of ‘reframing’ – how to identify unhelpful thoughts and unpleasant feelings, and then shift these to more positive ones.
By learning how their brain works, children will feel more in control of their lives. This decreases anxieties, improving sleep. Results are greatly increased among those also using our Daily Super Journal.
By understanding the Power of Mindset, your child will understand the correlation between effort, and success. They will learn that successful people do not fear failure but see it as a key to success.
Within each episode children are given more tools to help them identify and articulate their feelings, and develop the skills to self-regulate. They will be armed with strategies that can be used on a daily basis in any given situation.
By understanding more about themselves, and the relationship their thoughts have on their feelings, and actions, they will become more compassionate to others, and also to themselves.
The ultimate objective of HCMtv is to help children better cope with the pressures they face. Be more self-aware and also more understanding of others. They will have confidence in themselves, to rise to challenges, to express their feelings, and to learn from their mistakes.
Help your children take their life skills to the next level with our best programme yet. When pairing the Happy Confident Me Super Journal with our leading-edge HCMtv, you’ll find that your child will gain a far deeper understanding of the 10 powers and be able to put them into practice with even greater ease.
Offering 10 weeks of daily structured journaling the Happy Confident Me Super Journal is the perfect partner to HCMtv, providing a way to apply each of the powers on a daily basis.
Together the Super Journal and HCMtv pack a powerful punch, giving users a deep dive into the 10 key powers and ensuring that they are not only understood, but given the chance to be implemented and their value more readily recognised.

Knowing Yourself
Strong self-awareness in one of the 10 most important life skills that humans need and the better you know yourself the happier you will be.
Children will learn:
- How to better know and understand themselves.
- How to become comfortable with who they are.
- Understand the importance of taking responsibility.
Thinking Positively
What you think, leads to how you feel, which leads to how you behave. If we have negative thoughts, then this leads to a more negative outcome.
Children will learn:
- Helpful, positive thoughts create good feelings.
- Good feelings help us make better choices.
- They can control their own thinking.
- Optimism helps increase happiness levels and success in life.
Feeling our Feelings
If you can’t understand your feelings and emotions, you can become stuck in unpleasant feelings, and not be able to shift to a more pleasant way of feeling.
Children will learn:
- That all feelings are valid and are messengers that help humans understand themselves and others better.
- How to identify and articulate their feelings.
- How to regulate their feelings and behaviours.
Developing a Growth Mindset
We prevent ourselves from moving forwards, from achieving best results, from living our best lives through self-limiting beliefs.
Children will learn:
- That our brains are flexible and can grow and stretch and learn new things.
- That with practise they can do the things that they want – even if they are tricky.
- With self-belief they can achieve.
Learning from Mistakes
Children don’t cope well with failure as opposed to seeing mistakes as part of a journey in learning. They live in fear of failure which can prevent them trying new things or rising to challenges.
Children will learn:
- Failure is a gift and a step towards success.
- F.A.I.L. = First Attempt In Learning.
- That failure is a natural part of learning.
- That failure is something that helps us understand how to do things we find tough.
Bouncing Back
Without perseverance we lose strength of self, strength of conviction and nothing great can ever happen. We lose pride in the things we do as they are all ‘easy’ or simple.
Children will learn:
- The power to bounce back is key to success.
- Once they understand Mindset and no longer fear Failure, they will be stronger and more able to achieve.
- Resilience helps them do tough things.
Being Curious and Thinking Differently
Most people believe that creativity only exists in the arts and so some children will stop challenging the right side of their brain, wrongly believing they are ‘not creative’.
Children will learn:
- That everyone is creative.
- Creativity is not just the arts.
- That using creative thinking will help them tackle things more innovatively and have a fuller and richer experience of life.
Being Present
In a media-driven, fast-paced world we need to be able to slow down and become more present to quieten our busy minds and take time to be calm.
Children will learn:
- Just like their body’s, their minds need to be kept healthy.
- Practising mindfulness increases the focus on helpful and positive thoughts.
- Mindfulness helps us take charge of ourselves.
Kindness & Empathy
To live in harmony, with a sense of community, shared goals, and spirits is key to a great society. We exist on this planet together and living a compassionate life is key to our happiness.
Children will learn:
- That our positive behaviours have a positive affect on others as well as ourselves and the world around us.
- That empathy is a skill we can practice.
- That it only takes one kind act to spread kindness.
Accepting Ourselves and Others
Throughout life we question ourselves and our actions. We are too tough on ourselves, and this leads to low self-image and self-esteem. When we can accept ourselves, both the positives and the negatives, and accept others, the world will be a better place.
Children will learn:
- We are all perfectly imperfect beings.
- Every self-doubt is another challenge that they can rise to.
- They have the power and strength to get through challenges.
- They can believe in, and love, themselves.

Frequently Asked Questions
This course is ideal for children aged 8-12 . However, if you wish to complete the course with your child, you may find it appropriate for a child as young as 6 with the right level of support.
Purchasing this course for use as a school or to use in a public setting is a breach of our copyright and licensing policy. This course is available for schools and for use in group settings but must be purchased directly from us as a licensing fee will be required. Please contact us to discuss your school or setting’s needs via schools@happyconfident.com
This course is designed for children, but it is very useful for parents to view it with their child! You are likely to learn a lot of things that you might not already know such as Interoception, Neuroplasticity, Mirror Neurons, and many more useful things!
Every episode lasts for around 8 minutes and contains a section presented by Emma Willis, a section of science presented by a crazy professor and a section with testimonials from kids aged 8 to 20.
Each episode is accompanied by an activity that will allow your child to be able to check their knowledge and practice the skill of the week. These are available to download and print at home and will be made available via your courses dashboard that you will have access to once you purchase the course.
Each episode introduces a new life skill, or power. The course needs to be completed in order of the episodes as each skill builds on the one before.
There is an activity for each episode that should be done soon after watching the episode and before beginning the next.
Once an episode is completed, ensure you mark it as complete so that your next episode is unlocked.
Once you buy this course you will receive an email confirming your purchase and then another with a username and computer generated alphanumeric password and link to our member dashboard.
From here you will be able to set up your account, and begin your course.
You’ll be able to watch the programmes via your dashboard, download the accompanying activities and also track your child’s progress.
Please note, the home dashboard is different from the school and settings dashboard and use of a home dahsboard within group settings is not permitted.
We’ve deliberately created a format to engage even the most distracted of children and worked hard with Emma Willis, our crazy professor and the team of children to give everyone something they’d be excited to follow.
However, if you’re finding it hard to get your child to show any interest, you can prepare them, by increasing their curiosity.
Start with asking them questions such as:
- Would you like to know how your brain works?
- Would you like to know how to like yourself more and be liked by your friends?
- Would you like to have some great tools to help you be more successful in school and in life?
- Would you like to learn ways to help yourself when you’re feeling tricky feelings?
Although your child may be tempted to view the course all in one go, we would recommend allowing around 1 week between each episode, so that your child can practice the character skill/Power that they have viewed. This is particularly relevant if you have also purchased the Super Journal or the Life Skills Journal as these are the perfect complement that allows kids to better understand each character skill and to practice it every day.
The course content is valuable even for adults! In fact, we have lots of adults who have already completed it! Only you know your kids and whether the style of this course will appeal to them.
All research proves that prevention is much better than cure. Children’s wellbeing is at an all time low because kids are now exposed to many things that were inexistent a decade ago. It has become really essential to teach them the character skills that they need to better understand themselves, how their brain work, how to better relate to themselves and to other people, so that they are better prepared for this ever complex world.
Your child will learn some amazing new character skills as they watch HCMtv. The Happy Confident Me Daily Super Journal explains the same 10 character skills and includes daily journaling pages with questions that follow the same theme as HCMtv. This allows your child to better incorporate the 10 character skills into their daily life. And research proves that positive daily habits are the most effective way to change for the better, so the two resources together are much more effective.
HCMtv is really unique in that it teaches children the latest science on personal development and neuroscience in a very engaging way. There are no other courses where videos build on each other the way HCMtv does to allow children to go through a journey of self-discovery and deep teachings that will allow them to become a better version of themselves and to thrive.
Absolutely, we will refund you for your course if you and your child are not satisfied with the content of the course and feel that it has not helped your child. In order to be able to claim a refund, we will ask that you have completed the entire course, and accompanying activities and also provide feedback to help us improve our course. You have 90 days from purchase date to let us know if you’d like a refund and we will refund you whatever the reason.

The Community
The Happy Confident Movement is a growing group of over 50K parents, children, teachers, experts, schools, groups, and organisations who all share the same vision. A world where every child knows loves and accepts themself fully. Their strengths are for sharing, and their weaknesses a series of challenges to rise to with optimism. We’d love you to join us.