Happy Confident Me Super Journal – 2nd Edition

Daily journal for kids aged 8+. Increases self-confidence and resilience, helps regulate feelings, reduces fear and anxiety, and leads to improved sleep and greater happiness.


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HCMtv + Super Journal

Help your children take their lifeskills to the next level with our best programme yet. When pairing the Happy Confident Me Super Journal with our leading-edge HCMtv, you’ll find that your child will gain a far deeper understanding of the 10 powers and be able to put them into practice with even greater ease.

Hosted by Emma Willis, together with children aged 6-18, and a crazy professor, HCMtv takes viewers on a 10-week journey into their brains, and bodies, to learn more about themselves and others.

Start each week with a new episode to learn all about the new skill. Follow it up with an activity, and then journal for the remainder of the week to embed the lifeskill into daily life for a positive effect.

Special Offer £49.99



They will learn the art of ‘reframing’ – how to identify unhelpful thoughts and unpleasant feelings, and then shift these to more positive ones. 


By learning how their brain works, children will feel more in control of their lives. This decreases anxieties, improving sleep. Results are greatly increased when used together with HCMtv.


By understanding the Power of Mindset, your child will understand the correlation between effort, and success. They will learn that successful people do not fear failure but see it as a key to success.


Within each episode children are given more tools to help them identify and articulate their feelings, and develop the skills to self-regulate. They will be armed with strategies that can be used on a daily basis in any given situation.


By understanding more about themselves, and the relationship their thoughts have on their feelings, and actions, they will become more compassionate to others, and also to themselves. 


The ultimate objective of HCMtv is to help children better cope with the pressures they face. Be more self-aware and also more understanding of others. They will have confidence in themselves, to rise to challenges, to express their feelings, and to learn from their mistakes.

Slide Introspection Happy Confident Company Two Colour Icons 1. The Power of Introspection Knowing Yourself Strong self-awareness in one of the 10 most important life skills that humans need and the better you know yourself the happier you will be.

Children will learn:
How to better know and understand themselves.
How to become comfortable with who they are.
Understand the importance of taking responsibility.
Slide Optimism Happy Confident Company Two Colour Icons 2. The Power of Optimism Thinking Positively Strong self-awareness in one of the 10 most important life skills that humans need and the better you know yourself the happier you will be.

Children will learn:
How to better know and understand themselves.
How to become comfortable with who they are.
Understand the importance of taking responsibility.
Slide Interoception Happy Confident Company Two Colour Icons 3. The Power of Interoception Feeling our Feelings Strong self-awareness in one of the 10 most important life skills that humans need and the better you know yourself the happier you will be.

Children will learn:
How to better know and understand themselves.
How to become comfortable with who they are.
Understand the importance of taking responsibility.
Slide Mindset Happy Confident Company Two Colour Icons 4. The Power of Mindset Developing a Growth Mindset Strong self-awareness in one of the 10 most important life skills that humans need and the better you know yourself the happier you will be.

Children will learn:
How to better know and understand themselves.
How to become comfortable with who they are.
Understand the importance of taking responsibility.
Slide Failure Happy Confident Company Two Colour Icons 4. The Power of Failure Learning From Mistakes Strong self-awareness in one of the 10 most important life skills that humans need and the better you know yourself the happier you will be.

Children will learn:
How to better know and understand themselves.
How to become comfortable with who they are.
Understand the importance of taking responsibility.
Slide Resilience Happy Confident Company Two Colour Icons 4. The Power of Resilience Bouncing Back Without perseverance we lose strength of self, strength of conviction and nothing great can ever happen. We lose pride in the things we do as they are all ‘easy’ or simple.

Children will learn:
The power to bounce back is key to success.
Once they understand Mindset and no longer fear Failure, they will be stronger and more able to achieve.
Resilience helps them do tough things.
Slide Creativity Happy Confident Company Two Colour Icons 7. The Power of Creativity Being Curious and Thinking Differently Without perseverance we lose strength of self, strength of conviction and nothing great can ever happen. We lose pride in the things we do as they are all ‘easy’ or simple.

Children will learn:
The power to bounce back is key to success.
Once they understand Mindset and no longer fear Failure, they will be stronger and more able to achieve.
Resilience helps them do tough things.
Slide Mindfulness Happy Confident Company Two Colour Icons 8. The Power of Mindfulness Being Present Without perseverance we lose strength of self, strength of conviction and nothing great can ever happen. We lose pride in the things we do as they are all ‘easy’ or simple.

Children will learn:
The power to bounce back is key to success.
Once they understand Mindset and no longer fear Failure, they will be stronger and more able to achieve.
Resilience helps them do tough things.
Slide Compassion Happy Confident Company Two Colour Icons 9. The Power of Compassion Kindness & Empathy Without perseverance we lose strength of self, strength of conviction and nothing great can ever happen. We lose pride in the things we do as they are all ‘easy’ or simple.

Children will learn:
The power to bounce back is key to success.
Once they understand Mindset and no longer fear Failure, they will be stronger and more able to achieve.
Resilience helps them do tough things.
Slide Acceptance Happy Confident Company Two Colour Icons 10. The Power of Acceptance Accepting Ourselves & Others Throughout life we question ourselves and our actions. We are too tough on ourselves, and this leads to low self-image and self-esteem. When we can accept ourselves, both the positives and the negatives, and accept others, the world will be a better place.

Children will learn:
We are all perfectly imperfect beings.
Every self-doubt is another challenge that they can rise to.
They have the power and strength to get through challenges.
They can believe in, and love, themselves.
Hundreds of 5-Star Reviews

The Happy Confident Me Super Journal is ideal for children aged 8-12 . If your child is younger than 8, our Daily Journal would be more appropriate.

Every child is unique. Some children may prefer doing their journal alone, others may enjoy completing it with an older sibling, a friend, or with a family member. As long as you allow your child to take the lead, there is no right or wrong way!

Prepare your child by raising their curiosity and sharing the Journal with them.

You will find a section at the beginning that shares the benefits of journaling, the importance of happiness, and also explains how they should use their journal. Read this with them and look over the journaling pages together.

Focusing on the page that shows how the journaling pages work, ask them questions about what they find interesting, which bits they think they will enjoy the most. Explain to them that this is THEIR journal, and by writing in it every evening they will be able to track the good moments each day, and their many feelings and will be able to go to sleep more relaxed and rested.

Absolutely not! Our journals are all designed without dates or days of the week so that children can use them without pressure. However, when used every day your child will find they gain the positive effects delivered from journaling a lot quicker. We don’t want journaling to become another pressure point for children though, so we have developed our journals to give 5 days a week of journaling pages only. The lifeskill introduction pages are a quick read and these, along with the activities can be done on one day or across 2-3 days.

All research proves that prevention is much better than cure. Children’s wellbeing is at an all-time low because kids are now exposed to many things that were inexistent a decade ago. It has become really essential to teach them the character skills that they need to better understand themselves, how their brain works, and how to better relate to themselves and to other people so that they are better prepared for this ever-complex world.

There is no right or wrong answer to this question. However, based on feedback we have from parents who use our journals, your children may want to share their journal with you at the end of each evening. Don’t forget, their journal is a space for their feelings, use positive encouragement and allow your child to lead the conversation about their thoughts and feelings. Be there to listen, absorb, and support, and don’t fall into the trap of asking too many questions, correcting spellings or challenging answers to the daily questions. Using our Journals helps children to assert themselves,  become more confident in expressing their feelings, and end each day with positive thoughts.

Your child will learn the 10 Powers when they use the Happy Confident Me Super Journal.  If you’d like to take one step deeper and offer your child a powerful lifeskills programme, then we recommend pairing the Super Journal with HCMtv. The two products together will allow your child to better incorporate the 10 character skills into their daily life. Research proves that positive daily habits are the most effective way to change for the better, so the two resources together are much more effective.